EMSO-Ligurian Sea LO, Infrastructure description
ALBATROSS, Deep sea mooring
Coordinates: 42° 48.3730’ N ; 006° 01.6098' E Short description: ALBATROSS, the Autonomous Line with a Broad Acoustic Transmission for Research in Oceanography and Sea Sciences, is a standalone deep sea mooring dedicated to the long term monitoring of hydrological and biogeochemical properties. The data are transmitted along the inductive cable of the mooring line and through acoustic to the MII. |
MII, Instrumented junction box
Coordinates: 42° 48.3730’ N ; 006° 01.6098' E Short description: The MII, Instrumented junction box, hosts sensors and has acoustic communication capacities to recieve the information from the mooring ALBATROSS. The MII is wired to the shore through the cable of the astrophysics detector KM3NeT.
BJS, Instrumented junction box
Coordinates: Short description: The BJS, Secondary Jonction Box, is a sea floor extension to the cabled neutrino telescope MEUST. It is devoted to geosciences and environmental science. |
Shipborne profiles and sampling
Coordinates: 42° 48’ N ; 006° 05’ E, 24
Data policy and access
1: CNRS MIO, France
2: CNRS DT INSU, France
3: CNRS-OSU Pytheas, France
4: Ifremer, France