Distance from land: 200 nautical miles WSW from Faial
Maximal depth: 1700 m
Transmission buoy, BOREL
Coordinates: 37.5 °N and 33.00 °W
Short description: Borel is the surface buoy, relaying bi-directionally measurement data or commands between seabed and shore, through underwater acoustics and satellite. Borel holds a geodetic Global Positioning System and can host near surface ocean sensors.
Short description: SeaMoN West is the station moored in the lava lake. It serves the local set of sensors and provides bi-directional acoustic communication with the surface buoy. SeaMoN West is dedicated to geophysical observations.
Short description: SeaMoN East is the station positionned at the base of the Tour Eiffel active edifice. It serves the local set of sensors and provides bi-directional acoustic communication with the surface buoy. SeaMoN East is the EMSO-Azores ecological node.